О нас | ![]() Kisseleva Elena Anatolevna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Kiseleva Elena Anatolyevna was born on February 4, 1968 in the village. Balkashino, Tselinograd region. From 1975 to 1985 she studied at secondary school No. 11 with. Nikolaevka in the Alma-Ata region. In 1985 she entered the Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 1990 she graduated from it, having received the qualification of a teacher of mathematics, computer science. From 4.09.1990 she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the KazPI named after Abay. On October 1, 1990, she was transferred to the position of research trainee of the same department. From 02.09.1991 worked as an assistant of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the KazPI named after Abay. And in 14.12.1993 she was elected to the position of a teacher of the same department. He has been working as a senior teacher of the Department of Informatics since September 2004. The experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 30 years, including the experience of pedagogical work in Abai KazNPU - 30 years.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Undergraduate studies: Theoretical Foundations of Informatics, Fundamentals of Algorithmization and Programming, Programming Languages, Programming 1-2-3-4, Object-Oriented Programming, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Updated content of secondary education. In the magistracy: Object Oriented Programming in Education
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY The sphere of professional interests is connected with the theory and methods of teaching theoretical informatics, informatization of education, as well as the use of information and computer technologies in teaching. . Киселева Е.А. Необходимость внедрения основ образовательной робототехники в профессиональную подготовку будущих учителей информатики - Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Физико-математические науки», Алматы, 2018. № 2 (62), С. 143-147 2. Камалова Г.Б., Киселева Е.А. - Информационно-образовательная среда как одно из важных условий реализации кластерной модели методической подготовки будущего учителя - Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical Conference Fundamental and applied science - 2018, October 30 - November 7, 2018. Volume 7, Pedagogical sciences. - Sheffield. Science and education LTD -29-36 pp. 3. Камалова Г.Б., Пак Н.И., Киселева Е.А., Аккасынова Ж.К. Образовательная кластерная платформа «Мега-класс» в подготовке учителя в условиях глобализации образования - Монография. - Алматы: КазНПУ им. Абая, 2018. - 304 с. 4. Г.Б. Камалова, Е.А.Киселева, Ж.К. Аккасынова Кластерный подход в методической подготовке педагогов в условиях глобализации образования - Монография. - Алматы: КазНПУ им. Абая, 2019. - 340 с. 5. Kamalova Guldina, Pak Nikolay, Khegay Liudmila, Kisseleva Yelena, Akkassynova Zhamilya. A cluster approach in pedagogical education in the context of globalization - International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologyVol. 29, No. 7s, (2020), pp. 994-1004
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 1. E.A. Kisselyova, S.A. Nugmanova, A.S. Berdyshev. Theoretical foundations of computer science - Almaty: Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, 2016 - 270 p (Учебник, рекомендованный МОН РК ) 2. Бидайбеков Е.Ы., Камалова Г.Б., Киселева Е.А., Бостанов Б.Г. Профильное обучение математике в старших классах - Учебное пособие - Алматы: КазНПУ им. Абая, 2016. - 216 с 3. Д.Н. Исабаева, Л.Б.Рахимжанова, Е.А.Киселева, Н.А.Курмангалиева, М.А. Аубекова. Информатика - Учебник для 10 кл. естественно-математического направления общеобразоват. шк. - Алматы: Атамура, 2019.- 332 с 4. Д.Н. Исабаева, Л.Б.Рахимжанова, Е.А.Киселева, Н.Құрманғалиева, М. Әубекова. Информатика - Жалпы білім беретін мектептің жаратылыстану-математикалық бағытта оқитын 10-сыныпқа арналған оқулық - Алматы: Атамұра, 2019.- 356 б. 5. Г.Б. Камалова, Н.И. Пак, Е.Ы. Бидайбеков, Л.Б. Хегай, Е.А.Киселева, Ж.К. Аккасынова. Подготовка педагогов для работы в сетевой школе будущего - Учебно-методическое пособие, Алматы : ИП «Немцев», 2019. - 320 с.
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