Lecturer at the Institute of History and Law - holder of a scholarship from the international program «Bolashak»
Aliya Kasymbek, senior lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of History and Law, became the owner of a scholarship from the Bolashak international program. She will be doing an internship at Bath University in the UK.
A.O.Kassymbek has been working at Abai KazNPU since 2007. Previously, she worked as a junior researcher of the team of authors under the guidance of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zimanov S.Z. as part of the creative group «Kazakhtyn ata zandary» and participated in the release of the 1st volume of the encyclopedia of the same name, a researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Kazakh Humanitarian Law University. She has more than 50 scientific articles, including five in foreign publications included in the SCOPUS database. Hirsch index - 2.
We congratulate Aliya Orynbasarovna and wish her success in her future work, we believe that she will achieve great achievements in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan!