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76th scientific conference of undergraduate and graduate students of Abai KazNPU

On December 2, 2021, the traditional 76th scientific conference of students and undergraduates took place. In the section «New directions in language theory and methodology» 21 students from Kazakh groups and 5 students from Russian groups of other specialities made scientific presentations. Students of physics, mathematics and law especially enjoyed the presentation on the problems of the Kazakh language. The topics of the reports were relevant and interesting. The authors` speeches are systematic, their thoughts are rational, and their scientific conclusions are realistic.

The following students, distinguished by an interesting and scientific basis of the research topic, the style of defense, received the following results according to the general assessment of the members of the commission and the participating students:
1st place was won by Adilbek Aruzhan, Aidarkhan Aigerim and Adil Symbat, supervisor - senior teacher Bakbergenova Roza («Akhmet Baitursynuly - the founder of the Kazakh linguistics»). 2nd place - Toksanbayeva Karakat, supervisor - associate professor Alibayeva Meruert («Orthographic and punctuation errors in advertising in Kazakh language») and Akniet Akmagambetova, scientific supervisor - Associate Professor Sayan Zhirenov («Peculiarities of Kazakh language usage in digital space»). The 3rd place was divided between Tulimova Merey, supervisor - PhD Belasarova Zhaidar («Effective ways to increase students` interest in learning Kazakh language in Russian-speaking audience»), Konysbek Ayym, supervisor - associate professor Kalybayeva Kalamkas («History of human names in the Kazakh phraseological expressions») and Argynbek Nurailym, Chukir Aigerim, supervisor - senior teacher Seitalieva Karlygash («Study of obsolete words through interjections»).


The letters of thanks on behalf of the university administration were awarded to:
Amankeldieva Aigerim, Danaevna Nurila, Yerbolganova Aizhan, research supervisor - associate professor Rakhmetova Raygul («Ways of development of communicative activity of 7 form pupils»); Dosova Meruert, Berikova Ayaulym, Bisen Manzura, supervisor Associate Professor Rauandina Aitjamal («Written tasks for speech development of pupils»); Beisekova Kolkanat, supervisor - Associate Professor Rayeva Gulzat («Phonetic character of monument language and general vocabulary in Kazakh language»); Zhunisbek Muslima, supervisor - PhD Belasarova Zhaidar («Advantages of diary writing in mastering writing skills by pupils»); Utepbayev Erbol, supervisor - Professor Nurgali Saule («Effective ways of mastering the Kazakh language through interactive methods for representatives of other nationalities»).