11.04.2019 Invitation to the EAEU Expert School
We invite you to the EAEU Expert School to discuss the role of the Astana International Financial Center in the integration processes and the establishment of the EAEU financial space, which will be held in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan from May 25 to 29, 2019.
Teachers, researchers, graduate students, financial analysts, business analysts, civil servants, sociologists and journalists from Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia who are interested in the subject of Eurasian economic integration are invited to participate. Selection of participants - on a competitive basis based on the results of consideration of applications.
Areas of study include: - Eco-system MFCA; - Formation of a single exchange space and its integration into the global stock trading; - Global challenges and trends in the development of the financial market and financial technologies; - The role of human capital and professional development in the formation of international financial market standards of the EAEU; - Prospects and risks of financial integration in the EAEU area; - Regulation of financial services and capital of the EAEU; - Financial integration in the EU and other regional integration associations. Requirements for participants: Age - from 21 to 40 years; A diploma of higher education; Experience at least two years in the field of specialization.
The application is completed in electronic form on the website of the Russian Council on International Affairs https://russiancouncil.ru/projects/eaeuschool2019/
Deadline for applications: April 15, 2019 Announcement of results - April 23, 2019
The organizers incur payment for air and railway travel on both sides, accommodation and meals for participants during the School.
The maximum amount of reimbursement for ticket costs (in both directions) is 8,000 rubles. Compensated part of the cost of travel economy class from the country of citizenship and back.