International essay competition «My profession is a teacher»
November 9, 2021 summed up the results of the annual international essay competition «My profession is a teacher» held by the EP «Primary Education». The purpose of this competition is to identify professional abilities and the quality of training students, create conditions for the disclosure of their giftedness, professional, pedagogical and creative potential, self-realization. This year, 41 essays were submitted by students from Abai KazNPU (Kazakhstan), Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Kazan Federal University, Shukshin Altai State for Humanities and Pedagogy University (Russia), Grodno State Yanka Kupala University (Belarus).
The jury, which includes teachers of our university and primary school teachers, decided this year not to leave a single student without a diploma. They noted that the participants of the competition approached the assignment responsibly and creatively, expressed their well-reasoned point of view on the importance of the teaching profession today.
Congratulations to all students on the victory. I would especially like to note the participants who took first place according to the results of the competition:
Bikmullina Luziya, Kazan Federal University
Maleeva Margarita, Y. Kupala Grodno State University
Zamana Anelia, Y. Kupala Grodno State University
Damira Karimova, Abai KazNPU
Gromskaya Sofia, Moscow City Pedagogical University
Petrova Kristina, Shukshin Altai State for Humanities and Pedagogy University