Meeting with freshmen of the department «Jurisprudence»
Institute of History and Law
On September 13, 2021, a meeting of the teaching staff of the Department of Jursiprudence of the Institute of History and Law with first-year students in the Educational programs «Jurisprudence» and «Forensic Prosecutor`s Activity» for the 2021/2022 academic year was held.
The meeting was opened by the deputy director of the Institute of History and Law, Asymova Dariya, who congratulated the first-year students and wished them luck and success in their studies. Head of the Department - Koshpenbetov Bakhytkali told the story of the establishment of the Institute of History and Law, introduced the Rules of credit technology of education, «Rules of academic honesty of Abai KazNPU», and also introduced students to the advisors of academic groups.
Students actively participated in the meeting, asked questions to teachers. The meeting was active and fruitful.