Tournament for the Rector`s Cup «ABAI UNIVERSITY CUP»
As part of the Year of Youth, a tournament for the Rector`s Cup (ABAI UNIVERSITY CUP) will be held on January 26-27, in which 250 students from 16 schools of Almaty will take part.
The main goal of this event is to support the interest of the younger generation in sports and increase the importance of domestic football in the country. For two days, selected teams from the city`s districts will compete for prizes according to the Olympic system. Veterans of football and representatives of professional sports will come to support this event.
The young participants of the tournament will receive valuable prizes and memorable gifts, and the championship cup - the Rector`s Cup - ABAI UNIVERSITY CUP.
Venue of the tournament:
1) a sports complex (Kazybek bi - Ualikhanov);
2) the sports complex «Spartak» (Central Park of Culture and Recreation).
Time of the tournament:
January 26, 10.00-15.00;
January 27, 9.00 -13: 00.
Contact for additional information:
J. Mukhashev, 8-778-400-00-03.