21.05.2021 International scientific conference - a meeting place for philologists from different countries
In the new conditions of restrictive measures in connection with the pandemic, such large-scale events provide an opportunity to see and understand how close our scientific ideas, our common goals and objectives in the world community, our values and ideals are.
Professor Sayabek Kuanyshbekovich Sakhiev, Vice-Rector for Research and Digitalization, greeted the conference participants. The director of the public international fund Bakytkul Aydarova, director of the M. Makatayev museum in the poet`s homeland in Karasaz, Erlik Mukhamedzhanuly, spoke to a large audience of scientists.
The moderator of the plenary session was the head of the department of Russian language and literature of Abai KazNPU, a well-known researcher of M. Makatayev`s creativity, professor Saule Abisheva. Eight reports were read in Kazakh and Russian languages, dedicated to the creativity and peculiarities of the poetic picture of the world of the Kazakh lyric poet of the second half of the twentieth century. Toleubek Zaysanbayev not only read an interesting lecture on the phonetic structure of M. Makatayev`s poetry, but also, accompanying himself on a dombra, sang a song to the words of Mukagali «Sabi bolgym keledi».
The successful plenary session set the tone for the subsequent work of the entire conference. The conference participants, expressing their gratitude to all the speakers who spoke, continued their communication at the section readings. Famous philologists Oleg Fedotov, Yuri Orlitsky, Evgeny Kazartsev (Russia, Moscow), Galina Nefagina (Poland), Aliya Kulumbetova, Manat Mussatayeva, Lyudmila Safronova (Kazakhstan) and many others shared their scientific discoveries with young participants of the conference, undergraduates and doctoral students .
The information-rich first day of the conference made it possible to overcome the borders, and the anniversary of Kazakhstan and M. Makatayev brought together philologists of the world under the roof of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.