13.04.2021 Round table «Impact of the pandemic on education and science»
On April 12, 2021, at 14.00, a round table on the topic «Impact of the pandemic on education and science» was held on the Zoom platform. The event was organized by PhD doctoral students of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU within the framework of the event Decades of Science 2021. Doctoral students of the department Duisenova Indira Serikovna and Ramadanova Zhanna Didarbekovna made reports-presentations on the topic of the round table.
The meeting was attended by teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU.
Duysenova Indira, 2-year postgraduate student of the specialty «8D03103 - Sociology» defended a presentation in Kazakh on the topic (The impact of the pandemic on the development of education and science). The report highlighted how the lockdown had a negative impact on the countries of Central Asia and Europe, the difficulties with the transition of students and schoolchildren in the field of education to the digital system, as well as the significant damage caused by the pandemic to the education economy. She also focused on the tools that should be used as key for the development of education and science in the future.
Ramadanova Zhanna, 2-year doctoral student of the specialty «8D02201 - Philosophy, in her speech-presentation in Russian on the topic» How the pandemic affected science and the development of IT technologies», noted that the Covid-19 pandemic affected not only education and science, but and all spheres of human life, especially a strong impetus to development received IT technologies (information and communication technologies).
Recalling the words, «In two months of the pandemic (February, March 2020), we have gone through two years of global digital transformation», said CEO Microsoft Satya Nadella at a videoconference with investors and analysts in early May 2020 (https: //www.tadviser.ru/index.php). Ramadanova Zh.D. also voiced expert forecasts regarding the future development of IT technologies (information and communication technologies).