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Refresher courses on «Digital Educator» were held

From 8 to 12 February 2021, the Professional Development and Distance Education Centre and the Testing Centre of Abai KazNPU held an online professional development course on «Digital Teacher» in order to develop digital literacy of teachers.


The head of the Testing Centre, Darazha Isabayeva, introduced the listeners to various areas of digital competence of the Dig Comp Edu teacher:
- the use of digital technologies in the professional teaching environment;
- development of professional skills in searching, creating and sharing digital educational resources;
- development of teachers` skills in using digital tools in teaching;
- knowledge of digital tools for assessment of learning outcomes;
- use of digital tools to enhance learners` educational opportunities.


In order to practise professional skills, the trainees carried out practical tasks in small groups that included an analysis of a distance learning course.