Continuity between school and university
On February 8, 2021, the director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education Alua Tanzharikova and the head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation Gulsim Abdrakhmanova met with the directors of the Aisaf Almaty gymnasium (Almaty) Aisha Akhmetova and the Aisaf private female school of the Zhanaturmys village of the Karasai district of the Almaty region Marzhan Abdrakhimova. The meeting was organized by E.Zh. Kanseitova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation.
The event included discussions with teachers of Arabic and other Eastern languages and the signing of a bilateral agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to establish practical and scientific-methodological relations between the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation and specialists of oriental languages (Arabic, Turkish, Chinese) studying at the Aisaf Almaty gymnasium, to support bilateral or multilateral professional and cultural events, and to develop cooperation in the field of education.The initiatives initiated at the meeting were continued by the aisaf Almaty gymnasium. Almaty and Aysaf private girls` school in Zhanaturmys village, Karasai district, which once again demonstrated the importance of business, practical and specialized contacts with such educational institutions. The event held within the framework of the meeting once again demonstrated the systematic establishment of such bilateral relations at the department level.