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Winner of the title «Best employee of the semester» is a veteran educator

According to the results of the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, on February 3, 2021, a teacher of the Faculty for Foreign Citizens and Pre-university Training (Foundation) Orazbayeva Khadisha Kadirovna was awarded the title of «Best employee of the semester».

She was awarded with the «Diploma» of the Rector of the Abai KazNPU T.O. Balykbayev for high professional skills, fruitful work, and contribution to education. For her active participation in the educational work and social life of the University in the 2019-2020 academic year, Khadisha Kadirovna was awarded a «Letter of Appreciation» and «Certificate of Merit » by the Rector of the University.


Orazbayeva Khadisha Kadirovna for her 30-year work experience in the field of pedagogy has passed on instructions and education to multiple generations, that deserved gratitude among students - «The best teacher». The results of the electronic survey «Teacher through the eyes of a student» showed a high score.


The level of knowledge on the discipline «Reading Literacy» in preparing students for comprehensive testing of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is at a very high level.


The staff of the Faculty for Foreign Citizens and Pre-University Training (Foundation) congratulates from the heart Kh.K.Orazbayeva and wishes her creative and professional success in the future.