О нас | ![]() Zhampeisova Korlan Kabykenovna
Zhampeisova Korlan Kabykenovna Academician of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (2012); Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (IANPO, 2014 Russia); Corresponding member of the Concorde International Academy (France, 2014). Supervisor of 13 Ph.D. and consultant of 5 doctoral dissertations
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born on December 17, 1952, the village of Tendyk, Kirovsky district, Taldykurgan region (now Almaty region). In 1970 she graduated from secondary school 261, Ush-Tobe, Taldykurgan region. In 1971 she entered the Tambov State Pedagogical Institute. In 1974 she transferred to KazPI named after Abai (Almaty), from which she graduated in 1976. In August 1976 she entered the KazPI named after I. Abay. She began as a junior, senior laboratory assistant, trainee researcher at the Department of Pedagogy (1983-1985). 1985-1987 - targeted postgraduate study at the Y. Altynsarin. February 1987 - Candidate defense, May 1993 - defense of a doctoral dissertation. 1993 - 1999 served as academic secretary, then as chairman of the dissertation council D 14.05.01. for the defense of doctoral dissertations. December 1999 to August 2008 Head. Department of Pedagogy, ASU named after Abay. 2010-2011 - Professor of the Department of National Education and Self-Knowledge. 2011-2013 - General Director (NNPOOC) "Bobek" MES RK. 2013-2014 - professor, then head of the department of national education and self-knowledge (2014-2015). From September 2015 to the present, she is the head of the Department of Pedagogy of Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Khabarshy / Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai series "Pedagogical sciences" Lecturer in the "Advanced training programs for teachers and managers of universities" at the Association of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participant of the international program "Visiting Professor" (In 2016, she lectured at Y. Kupala Grodno State University.) Author of textbooks and teaching aids in Kazakh, Russian and English. Among them: "Pedagogy", "Theory and methodology of educational work", "Management in education", "National education" for 2005; 2015; 2016; 2017 years
Undergraduate: 1. Pedagogy; 2. National education 3. Theory and methodology of educational work
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Problems of continuous pedagogical education; higher pedagogical education, professional education of future teachers More than 150 publications.
Publications: 1. Scientific and practical foundations of becoming competitive higher pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Collective monograph / Vienna.: Premier Publishing s. r. o. Vienna, 2018. -196 р. (в соавт.) 2. The content of the professional training of the teacher in Kazakhstan // Opción, Año 34, Especial N° 14, 2018 683-710 ISSN 1012-1587 (Scopus) (в соавт.) 3. Профессиональный портрет учителя XXI века //Вестник КазНПУим.Абая сер. Педагогические науки №1(61), 2019 г. - с 3-14 (в соавт.) 4. О понятии парадигмы конкурентоспособного высшего педагогического образования //Materials of the XV International scientific and practical Conference Cutting-edge science - 2019 , April 30 - May 7, 2019 Pedagogical sciences. : Sheffield. Science and education LTD - p.19-27. - Великобритания (в соавт.) 5. Methodological aspekts of adaptive leadership develop ment for future specialist pedagogy of higher education» в международном научно-теоретическом журнале// Вестник международного центра образования и научной информации в Германии. Выпуск 1. 2020. (в соавт.).
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Pedagogical education of future teachers 1. Pedagogy: Textbook. / K.K.Zhampeisova,N.N.Khan,A.N.Kosherbaeva, Sh.ZhKolumbayeva./ Almaty: 2016 -390 р.(co-authored) 2. Theory and methods of upbringing work: Textbook. /Sh.Zh.Kolumbayeva, K.K.Zhampeisova,N.N.Khan,A.N.Kosherbaeva / Almaty: 2016 - 262р. (co-authored) 3. Education management: Textbook. / Almaty: 2016 - 307р. (co-authored) 4. Педагогика :Учебное пособие/ Алматы: ТОО KazBookTrade», 2017. - 358 с. (co-authored) 5. Теория и методика воспитательной работы:Учебное пособие/ Алматы: ТОО KazBookTrade», 2017. - 308 с. - (co-authored)
REWARDS Breastplate "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (1998); badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2004); badge "Y. Altynsarin "(2011); medal "Honorary Worker of KazNPU named after Abai "(2014), badge" For contribution to the development of science "(2018), a number of certificates of honor of KazNPU named after Abay, "The best teacher of the university -2019"
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