23.02.2018 International scientific-practical conference "Scientific and methodological heritage of the intelligentsia of Alash: traditions and innovations"
On 28 February, 2018, at 15:00, will be held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific and Methodological heritage of the intelligentsia of Alash: Traditions and Innovations" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
The address of the organizing committee: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Dostyk 13, room 423 (chair of theory and methodology of the Kazakh language).
Contact telephones: Junissova Mayra Abibullaevna 8 747-373-94-62; 8 (727) 291-21-90; Bakbergenova Rosa 8 707-753-03-55; 8 701-753-03-55.
E-mail: zhmaira_71@mail.ru
Attachments: information letter