Welcome to Qindao College The progress of Qindao College (QDC) over the past decade has been remarkable in the development of higher education in China. We have grown from relatively humble beginnings to a high-ranking college with a talented team of international and local scholars and an energetic campus community. Students in QDC and members of the wider community are the beneficiaries of this outcome as, together, we are now ready to consolidate this success to advance society and establish ourselves as a leading college in China. We invite you to summer courses «Chinese Language and Culture (short term course/summer camp)» Starting date: July 22 Level duration: 4 weeks Tuition Fees: 2,500 yuan Contacts (for English speakers): Contact person:Ma Mingyue(Ms.Lasia Ma) E-mail/ MSN:qdc.5@hotmail.com Skype:qdcstudy-2; QQ:603258489 Tel.:(+86)532-8666 6783; Fax:(+86)532-8666 6771 Mob.:(+86)186-6160-8207 Сайт Института: http://www.qdc.cn [1]