22.12.2017 Сompetition for the award of vacant educational grants
The University Commission for the award of vacant educational grants accepts documents for the purpose of their subsequent consideration. Information on the number of grants in the context of specialties is attached below.
Requirements for candidates: Students of a paid department who don`t have academic debt can apply for vacant state educational grants. GPA applicants should be at least 3.0.
To apply for participation in the competition, you must submit the following documents: 1. an application addressed to the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2. an application addressed to the rector Abai KazNPU; 3. The official transcript for the entire period of study; 4. A copy of the identity card.
Documents are submitted to the directorates of educational institutions until 8 January 2018.
№ Specialty Year of admission Number of grants 1 5В020300 - «History» 2014 1 2 5В011700 - «Kazakh language and literature» 2014 1 3 2015 1 4 5В012000 - «Professional education» 2016 1 5 5В012000 - «Professional education» 2015 1 6 5В012000 - «Professional education» 2014 1 7 55В011100 - «Informatics» 2015 1 8 5В012300 - «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» 2014 1 9 5В012300 - «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» 2016 2 10 5В010500 - «Defectology» 2013 1 11 5В010600 - «Musical education» 2014 1 12 5В041700 - «Decorative art» 2015 1 13 55В010100 - «Preschool education and upbringing» 2017 1 14 55В010100 - «Preschool education and upbringing» 2014 1 15 5В11900 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages» 2015 1 16 55В11900 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages» 2017 1 17 5В011300 - «Biology» 2017 1 18 2017 1 19 5В011000 - «Physics» (in English) 2017 1 20 5В011100 - "Informatics" (in English 2015 1 21 5В021000 - «Foreign philology: Uighur language» 2017 1 22 55В060900 - «Geography» 2017 1 23 6М050700 - «Management» 2016 1 24 6М050700 - «Management» 2017 2 25 6М060600 - «Chemistry» 2017 1 26 2017 1 27 6М060600 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages» 2017 1