15.05.2018 Announcement
On 16 May, 2018, within the framework of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, a competition on the Kazakhsha kures "Universit Barysi" among university students in Almaty will take place.
More than 120 sportsmen from 20 universities of Almaty city will take part in the competition in the weight categories 60 kg, 74 kg and 100 kg. The composition of the judiciary included masters of sports of international class.
Guests of the competition: Zhaksylyk Amiralyevich Ushkempirov - Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, world champion, "Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan". Ergali Mukhitdinov - honored coach of the Kazakh SSR, professor, chairman of the federation "Kazahshara kures". Adil Shayakhmetovich Shayakhmetov - is an honorary member of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Aldabergenov Shalkar Aitleuovich - the director of the club "Almaty Kazakh kuresi".
Date: May 16, 2018
Grand opening: at 11.00 hours
Venue: sports hall of KazNPU named after Abay (Kazybek bi, 30).