04.06.2018 Competition «Urker-Umit»
In connection with the 10th anniversary of the magazine «Urker» of the «Kazakh newspapers» community, a competition «Urker-Umit» is organized for young journalists.
The peculiarity of the 2018 competition is that the readers will select the winners. Winners will be determined by online voting, and the results of the contest will be presented on the website of the Kazakh newspapers kazgazeta.kz.
Requirements for participation in the competition «Urker-Umit»: 1. The competition is held in three directions: poetry, prose and journalism. 2. The prosaic text should not exceed 7 pages, and poetic and journalistic texts - 10 pages. 3. Works are accepted in the font Times New Roman 14. 4. Young people up to 30 years old can take part in the competition. 5. Additional information about yourself and your contact information should be provided when sending the work. 6. Works are accepted until October 1, 2018 at the address: urker_2010@mail.ru .
Since the announcement of the competition, the first works will be uploaded on May 15, and voting will be conducted online. The voting time for each candidate is 1.5 months. During this time, online voting is an indicator of the candidate`s participation. Every 1.5 months the participants will be replaced. Accordingly, the voting will take place in five stages. The number of votes for each participant will be shown online in the rating table at kazgazeta.kz.
The deadline for submission of works for the competition: The first stage: May 15 - June 30; The second stage: July 1 - August 15; The third stage: August 16 - September 30; 4th stage: October 1 - November 15.
On 30 November, kazgazeta.kz will publish the names of the winners and the awarding ceremony will be held on the eve of Independence Day of our country.
Winners will be awarded in the above three nominations. Winners of «Urker» will be awarded with special diplomas, monetary and valuable prizes.
More information about the contest can be found in the journal Urker (urker.kazgazeta.kz/?page_id=6999).