WEB-session of the Educational and methodical Association of the Republican educational and methodical Council-Music
18.04.2020 the Republican WEB-session of the Republic educational and methodical Association (EMA REMC) in the direction «6B014, 7M014, 8D014-Training of teachers with a subject specialization of General development/Music education», on the topic «Current issues of the Republican educational program «Music education»».
The meeting was moderated by the head of the Republic educational and methodical Council _Music - Narikbayeva Lora, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of music education and choreography of Abai KazNPU, who made a report on «Educational programs of the specialty «Music education» in the context of new requirements. The issue of unification and variability of EP».
At the meeting, according to the agenda, particularly urgent issues of the specialty «Music education» were raised, which need to be addressed in the context of the challenges of the time, reforms in the education system, and updated General secondary education.
The event was attended the scientific Secretary of EMA of Abai KazNPU Nurgaliyeva Umiken, which expressed their wishes and recommendations for the future on behalf of the EMA in this area of work.
The meeting was attended by 18 participants. Experienced representatives of regions and different universities, who are heart-sick for the future of the specialty «Music education», heads and members of the EMA REMC « Music»:
1. Kulmanova Sholpan, Professor, Orazalieva Moldir, ass. Professor of the Department of theory and methodology of music education, Kaznatszhenpu - «Оn the basic disciplines of educational programs for future music teachers».
2. Kolesnikova Galina, head of the Department of musical disciplines, associate Professor of SKU. Kozybayeva on the topic «The Problem of preparing future music teachers for inclusive education», Petropavlovsk.
3. Kaliakbarova lyailya, Professor, head of the Department of music education and psychology of Kazakh national Conservatory by name Kurmangazy on «Conducting forms of control and examinations in the format of distance learning for students of specialties «Music education», Almaty.
4. Ospangalieva Saule, music teacher of school №12 in Almaty on the topic «New textbooks on the subject «Music: advantages and disadvantages».
5. Mahanova Asken, associate Professor of the Department of theory and methodology of primary education in the subject «Music» Abai KazNPU.Abaya with a report on «Development of new textbooks on the subject «Music» for secondary schools: prospects and horizons».
Also at the meeting were Mombek Aliya, ass. prof. of the Department of music education and choreography of Abai KazNPU; Akhmetova Tulesh, ass. Professor of dep. of art and music, State University by Shakarim, Semey; Tatyana Zhukova, senior teacher, North Kazakhstan University; Ibraeva Kamarsulu, head of the Department of music education and choreography of Abai KazNPU; Balaganova Svetlana, ass.prof. of the Department of music education and choreography of Abai KazNPU; Kuldanov Nauryz, master of music education Department of Abai KazNPU etc al.
As a result of the meeting, a resolution was adopted on the discussed issues of the specialty «Music education» for further reform and improvement of the training of music teachers of a wide profile.

Chair of music education and choreography