We work online
According to the order of the rector of Abai KazNPU Balykabayev T. (No. 03-06/35 14.03.2020), since March 16, 2020, the PPS of the faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training has moved to distance learning. Students, Masters, Phd students and language students from other countries are taught online according to the previously approved curriculum through ZOOM, Whatsapp Web, Wechat, Skype, UNIVER and e-mail. Teachers also provide students with additional materials for independent study, exercises for consolidation, tests and training exercises, adaptations of Educational-methodical complex of discipline, presentations for distance learning.
The teaching staff of the faculty conducts active scientific, educational work in a remote format. During this period, a video film was prepared together with students about the online education of foreign students, and a video presentation in support of the republican action «We Are Together». Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev on the celebration of Abai`s 175th anniversary, the faculty continues to open an «Abai Alemi» office for students, materials have been collected for the XI international correspondence scientific conference of young scientists «Kazakhstan in the international educational space» dedicated to Abai`s anniversary, the film «Abay recognized by the world» is being prepared with the participation of foreign students.

Faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation)