29.11.2017 The defence of the dissertation written by Oralbekova Aliya Kurbanovna on theme "Preparation of future teachers of primary classes for the use of information and communication technologies in conditions of inclusive education" for the Philosophy Doctor (PhD) degree in speciality 6D010200- "Pedagogy and methods of elementary education" will take place in Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
The dissertation was prepared at Kazakh National Pedagogical University by Abai. The defense will be held in Kazakh.
Scientific consultants: Kenesbayev Serik Muhtarovich - Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, director of the institute of improvement qualifications of pedagogical workers on the Almaty region, branch of JSCNCIQ "Orleu", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Dmitriev Yuri Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Pedagogy, professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moskow, Russian Federation.
Reviewers: Ibraimzhanov Kalibek Turdygazievich - Doctor of Pedagogy on speciality 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education ethnopedagogy, professor, Zhetysu state university named after I.Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan, Republic of Kazakhstan Idrisov Salamat Nurmuhanovich - Candidate of Pedagogy on speciality 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education ethnopedagogy, vice-rector for science Atyrau State University named after H.Dosmukhamedov, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan
Public Defenceof the Dissertation will take place on 29thDecember 2017, at 14.00 o`clock at the Dissertational Council of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the address: 050010, Almaty, Tole-bi str., 31(1-floor, office 7). Web-site: www.kaznpu.kz Video from the dissertation defense |