Біз туралы | ![]() Moldogaziev Shaken Sadenovich
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY He was born in the shusky district of Zhambyl region and graduated from high school. He graduated from Abay University in Almaty with a master`s degree and a bachelor`s degree. Since 1994, he has been a teacher at the Abay University.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT The history of state and law, History of political and legal doctrines, Comparative constitutional law, Islamic law, the System of state authorities in Kazakhstan, Ispolnitelnaya power in Kazakhstan, a Modern legal system, Fighting corruption, law and anti-corruption culture (in Kazakh language).
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Standard programs and scientific articles: standard curriculum. General history of state and law.,, 030540-history, fundamentals of law and Economics,,. Model curriculum. History of the state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.,, 030540-history, fundamentals of law and Economics,,. Model curriculum. Theory of state and law.,, 030540-history, fundamentals of law and Economics,,. "State of implementation in Kazakhstan of international documents on the right to education for people with disabilities." Actual problems of law, Economics and education at the present stage: theory and practice "materials of the eighth (on-line) correspondence international scientific and practical conference" Actual problems of law, Economics and education at the present stage: theory and practice " Almaty, Institute of history and law, March 20, 2020 "Chinchilly daldin aalas" Abu Nasr al-Farabi), KSU school №175" Zhana Gasyr". "Al-Farabi`s legacy in education and upbringing in practice". Conference dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir al-Farabi. May 19, 2020.
AWARDS In 2018, she was awarded the jubilee medal "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay" for her contribution to the development of the university.
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