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Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University delegation visited Heidelberg University of Education (Germany)


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University delegation (Prof.Tokkozha Kozhagulov, Director, Institute for Arts, Sports and Culture, Assoc.Prof.Natalya Mikhailova, and representatives of Department of International Cooperation Mrs Aigul Iskakova and Marzhan Tajiyeva) led by Senior Vice-Rector Prof.Maktagali Bektemessov visited Heidelberg University of Education (Germany) within the project Eastern Partnership of the programme DAAD between 1-6 July 2019.


Heidelberg University of Education has been a strategic partner of Abai KazNPU since 2015 when Prof.Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke was appointed as Rector of the University.


For the period of partnership both universities actively contribute to the programmes of internationalization, DAAD projects, student`s and teaching staff exchange programmes.


Within formal meetings with Rector Prof.Huneke, Vice-Rector for Research, Digitalization and Transfer Prof.Christian Spannagel, Director for International Office and Center for International Teacher Education Acad Dir. Henrike Schon, Managing Director of Centre for International Teacher Education Anja Bast-Schneider and Head of the Graduate School Dr. Nicole Flindt, partners have offered joint publications in international journals, free membership of young researchers and facilitating projects in teacher education. In order to internationalize the teacher education and enhance intercultural competencies of teaching staff in research and teaching, there was launched Centre for International Teacher Education at Heidelberg University of Education. In the view of Prof. Bektemessov the experience of the mentioned Centre would be very interesting to learn for Abai KazNPU in applying international strategies in teaching and research, designing education programmes, joint online conferences and networking platforms. The high point of the friendly meetings was a support of the Rector Prof. Huneke in hosting art and decorative exhibition of Abai KazNPU at Heidelberg University of Education in late November 2019 in honor of marking 50th anniversary of Institute for Arts, Sports and Culture.


Moreover, Heidelberg University of Education colleagues kindly arranged visits and meetings for representatives of Institute for Arts, Sports and Culture with Department of Arts (Director, Prof. Mario Urlas), visits to ateliers of teachers, placements of students at schools, visit to Kunsthalle Manheim- Collection of Contemporary Arts in Manheim. Moreover, both sides have specified perspectives of collaboration in developing dialogue of cultures of two countries through Art.


Within the Programme of Involving International Fellows Prof.Kane has been invited to deliver lectures and workshops in Special and Inclusive Education for 1-month period beginning 15th September 2019, furthermore 2 master students of Heidelberg University of Education will be hosted by Abai KazNPU and NIS for placement, 3 doctoral students and 2 master students of Abai KazNPU will visit Heidelberg University of Education in November to exchange experience.


Both sides expressed hope and willingness to build further fruitful cooperation in teacher education and research.









Department for International Cooperation