State symbols - a sign of statehood
On June 5, 2019, at the Institute of History and Law of Abai Kazakh National University, there was held an event «State symbols - a sign of statehood», dedicated to the Day of state symbols.
The director of the Institute of History and Law, Bolat Zhumagulov, congratulated the staff, students and graduates of the institute on this significant event. He also stressed that the patriotic education of the younger generation is an important work aimed at strengthening the dignity of state symbols.
Heads of the Departments of the Institute of History and Law Yermukhanov Yerkin, Zhanguttin Bauyrzhan, Simitikov Zhomart, Buribaev Yermek and Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, Toleubekov Bakhytzhan noted the history of achieving independence and creating state symbols of our state, as well as congratulated all the participants of the event on the holiday.
At the end of the event, the 2nd year student of the specialty «5B011400 - History» Dosatova Nadira, spoke on behalf of the youth and expressed sincere congratulations.
As our First President, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev noted: «We should be proud of our country, feel the unity of the whole family, respect the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect the Flag, the Coat of Arms and the Hymn of our state, which are now known throughout the world».

Institute of History and Law