City competition on Togyzkumalak
On March 28, 2019 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the togyz kumalak competitions among the students of higher educational institutions of Almaty were held within the Year of Youth. 27 athletes-students from 9 fundamental universities of Almaty took part in the national competition.
The rector of the university Takir Balykbayev opened the event and said that togyzkumalak is an ancient national game of the Kazakh people and greatly contributes to the intellectual development of the youth.
Further, the Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Yergali Mukhidinov focused on the content of togyzkumalak and wished success to all participants.
The teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of Abai KazNPU, Nurahyn Erubayev and Mira Iralina, Abyjan Nadyrov, Asylkhan Abishev, Nurbol Belgozhayev were judges.
Following the results of the competition, the team of KazNWTTU won the third place, the second place was taken by Al-Farabi KazNU. The team of the International University of Information Technology won the first place. All the winners were awarded with special diplomas of the rector of the university and a cash prizes.
Samad Suleiman, a student of the International University of Information Technology, Student of the Kazakh State Medical University named after S.D Asfendiyarov Aruzhan Rakhmatullayeva and a student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almat Kurmanseitov were awarded with the nomination «Best Player» and cash prizes.
Thus, the togyzkumalak competition, organized for the implementation of the «Spiritual renewal» program, has attracted young people`s interest in the national game.