III Republican aytys of young poets «Menin pіrіm - Suinbay»
The third Republican aytys of young poets «Menin pіrіm - Suinbay» took place on February 19-20, during which the Center of Young Poets named after Orazaly Dosbosynov was opened.
Aytys was held as part of the Year of Youth. 58 young poets from 30 universities of the country took part in it. The Rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev opened the event. He wished the participants of ayts creative luck.
Chairman of the jury was the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerman Zhursin. During the qualifying round, all 58 performers participated in the music contest (two in each number). The best 20 candidates who pretend to be the winner came to the final.
A student of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University Zheniskhan Kazybek and student of Shakarim Semey State University Aisholpan Tleutai took the third place. They were awarded cash prizes of 100,000 t.
Second place was taken by the student of T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National University of Arts, Sovet Turekhan, who was awarded 150 000 t.
Zhuldyzai Maratbekova, student of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University took the first place and received a prize of 200,000 t.
A student of «Kainar» Academy, Zhaksylyk Apuazhanov, won the main prize. His reward was 350,000 t.
six best poets were awarded with special prizes named after «Abai Kunanbayev», «Zhambyl Zhabaev», «Sakena Seifullin», «Malik Gabdullin», «Erik Askarov», «Orazaly Dosbosynov» and prizes of 50,000 t.
Nine poets, who are distinguished by their sharp words, have been awarded special prizes in the amount of 30,000 t.
The participants and guests of the aytys of young poets warmly thanked the organizers for the joy of the revival in sovereign Kazakhstan of the ancient national tradition and the introduction of the younger generation to it.