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«Youth`s perspective on religion in secular society»


On February 21, in order to increase the religious literacy of young people and form immunity to radical religious ideology, a round table was held «Youth`s perspective on religion in secular society», dedicated to the opening of the Decade of religious literacy.

Religious scholar, PhD doctoral student of Islamic University «Nur Mubarak» Tasbolat Asyltay, PhD doctoral student of the Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies of KazNPU Juzey Myrzakhmet, chairman of the board of young scientists of the University, PhD doctoral student Ruslan Seitkaziyev and university students took part in the round table.

The roundtable meeting was opened by Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, vice rector for educational work and social development, who noted the relevance of this event and introduced the plan for the decade.

The rules of the round table provided for a number of reports on the issue raised. In particular, Asyltay Tasbolat made a presentation on «Rouhani kundiliktardin dinmen ushtasui», he spoke about spiritual values and religion. Then doctoral students Zhozey Myrzakhmet, Ruslan Seytkaziev made informative reports.

During the «round table» students asked their questions; the answers were detailed.

The event ended with the announcement of the beginning of the Decade of religious literacy (according to the approved plan) in all institutions.