MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences (Russia)
On 27 may 2016 at the Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai in the context of implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El" will be held international scientific-practical conference "MODERNIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN: the solutions of problems", dedicated to 25-anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 85-anniversary of Distinguished scientist of Kazakhstan, Distinguished high school worker of Kazakhstan, Doctor of pedagogical science, professor G.A.Umanov.
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Conference organizers: MES RK, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences (Russia) The purpose of the conference: to discuss actual problems of modernization of pedagogical education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan at all levels (pre-school, primary, basic secondary, secondary, post-secondary, higher, post-graduate). To participate in the conference there have been invited the representatives of: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; The National Academy of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh and foreign teachers of colleges and universities; IAPE, Centers "Daryn", "Orleu," "Okulyk", "Center of pedagogical skills"; provincial, municipal departments of education; Manual pre-school and educational institutions; domestic and foreign experts in the field of teacher education; representatives of educational media. Sections of conference: 1.Actual problems of modernization of pre-school and primary education 2. Actual problems of modernization of secondary and post-secondary education 3.Actual problems of modernization of the higher pedagogical education 4.Actual problems of modernization of postgraduate pedagogical education 4.Actual problems of modernization of postgraduate teacher education
The plenary sessions of the conference will be conducted in the following directions: - The training of teachers as a complex problem. - Modernization of system of continual pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the national idea "Mangilik El". - Training of future teachers to set the national consciousness of students at all levels of education system - Discussion of the Project of the "Concept of modernization of pedagogical system of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the national idea "Mangilik EL" (Kazakh national Pedagogical University named after Abai). - International and national experts about project the "Concept of a system of modernization of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the context of the national idea "Mangilik EL" (Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai). Form of participation: full-time and part-time. Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. Closing date for applications: 30 April 2016 (inclusive). THE CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION The minimum amount of articles is 3 pages (including references). The maximum amount of articles is 6 pages (including references). The cost of the article, with 1 copy of Proceedings (without the cost of mailing it) is 3500 tenge. The cost of each additional page is 300 tenge. The number of articles of the authors is not limited and does not affect the price. The cost of an additional copy Proceedings is 500 tenge. in one instance (+ cost of mailing an additional copy). One author can publish several articles. In this case paid for the publication of each article. The cost of mailing a collection is as follows: Kazakhstan is 1000 tenge, the CIS countries is 1500 tenge. CIS countries is 2000 tenge. Newsletter collections made by registered post. Participants can order exactly the color certificate on the form with security elements (format A4). The cost of a certificate is 500 tenge. A certificate is issued to a single author. When ordering a certificate in the form "Information about the author" must specify the name and last name the participant to whom the certificate is required. Certificates are sent together with the collections. Ordering and payment certificates, additional copies of the collections is made simultaneously with the payment of the registration fee. Travel expenses at the expense of the sending organization.
REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMATTING AN ARTICLE 1. Editor: Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. 2. Language - Kazakh, Russian, English, other languages (if displayed properly). 3. The page size - A4, the orientation of the sheet - "book". 4. Page margins: Top - 2 cm .; Underwear - 2 cm .; Left - 1.5 cm .; Right - 3 cm. 5. The font «Times New Roman», size - 14. 6. Line spacing - single (1.0). 7. Paragraph Indent: Left - 0; Right - 0; The first line (the red line) - 1.25 cm. 8. The first paragraph of the article: centered, bold, uppercase - Full title of the article. 9. The second paragraph of the article: In the right, bold, italic -academic degree, academic rank or position Name the author (s) full (12 font). 10. The third paragraph of the article: in the right, course - the city, the place of work (contraction are not allowed) (12 font) (see sample below.). 11. The fourth paragraph of the article: in the middle, italics - abstract and key words (Kazakh / Russian and English) (12 font) 12. The text of Article (14 font): Formatting - width. Not allowed in the articles section breaks, page, column, or use a low-density compacted letter spacing. 13. The text in the hard to read fonts, graphics, diagrams, pictures, and more. scanned and inserted into the article in a picture with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. 14. It is not allowed automatic numbering the bibliography. lists numbering in the text is done manually. 15. References (12 font) is issued at the end of the article in order to use the literature in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5- 2008. References in the text to the appropriate sources in square brackets indicates the serial number of the source from the list of literature and the page, for example [5, p. 17]. Using automatic paged links is not allowed. 16. The numbering of pages is not allowed 17. The text of the article (abstracts) should be carefully proofread and edited The authors are responsible for the content of articles for the accuracy of the above in the article facts, quotations, statistics and other data, names, titles and other information (see. Sample design below). Materials submitted after the deadline or not drawn in accordance with the requirements will not be considered and will not be returned. The organization reserves the right to select articles. Materials must be send by e-mail: Konf_2016@mail.ru marked " For the International scientific-practical conference " System upgrading teacher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The file name must contain the name of the first author. The paper version of the materials for participation in the conference addressed: 010005 Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 13, Dostyk Ave., Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Department of Pedagogy. Contacts: 8 (727) 2-91-19-81; Zhampeisova Korlan Kabykenovna - 8 701 726 77 21; Kaidarova Aimen Djeksembaevna-8 701 711 68 76; Kolumbaeva Sholpan Zhaksybaevna - 8 708 654 78 35; Zhumasheva Svetlana Satybaldievna - 8 707 132 10 47; Kosherbaeva Aygerim Nuralievna - 8 708 973 01 25. A sample of an article
CURRENT TRENDS OF MODERNIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Zhampeisova K.K. AM Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan Summary (12 font) Depending on the language of the article, if the language is Kazakh the summary in Russian and English, if the language is Russian, then resume respectively in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. Resume. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. Table 1. The name of the table Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text The text of the article. The text of the article (Fig. 1). The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. Picture 1. The name of the picture. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. The text of the article. Bibliography: 1.Sabirova D.R. British National education policy in the late twentieth century / D.R Sabirova // Technologies improving teacher training: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House, 2007. - realese 10. 2007, p:121-123. 2.Education in the modern world: global and regional trends. M., 2005. 211 p. 3.Bermus A.G. Problems and prospects of implementation of competence approach in education // Electronic resource: Internet magazine "Eidos: 4 4.Avshenyuk N.M. Professional formation of the young teacher in the UK: history, experience, standards / Avshenyuk N.M. // Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education. 2003. №2. Pp 220-228. 5. A Teacher as a highly qualified specialist; the construction of profession. Lessons from around the world: OECD Report Issues // Questions of education. 2012. № 1. S. 74-92.
Application form 1 Last name, first name, patronymic (fully)* 2 Position, academic degree, an academic status 3 Full and short name of your organization, the location of the organization. (situation)* 4 Co-authors. (Full name) 5 Title of the article (abstracts) * 6 Number and name of the sections 7 Form of participation (full-time / part-time) 8. whether performance is planned. (yes / no) 9 Necessary technical equipment for presentations (Indicated in the case of speech) 10 Quantity of collections* 11 Certificate of participant (full name list of participants, which requires a certificate and their place of work) 12 Phone number (mobile, work, home). 13 E-mail* 14 Necessity of hotel reservation Mailing address for sending a collection: To: Where: (including postal code, country, region, city, house, apartment) Arrangement fee* Quantity Price Payment for publication of the article (specify the number of pages + a collection of not including shipping costs) * Optional collections (specify the number of collections + 500 tenge for each collection) Color Certificate (specify the number of certificates + 500 tenge for each certificate per author) Mail items each collection (for Kazakhstan + 2000 tenge, the CIS + 3500tenge, CIS countries 4000 tenge) * Total Amount Due: 00-00 tenge. PAYMENT DETAILS FOR PARTICIPATION FEE: MONEY RECIPIENT RSE on PVC KAZNPU named after Abai BC 16 TRN 600900529562 PIC KZ178560000000086696 Payee`s bank JSC "BANK CENTER CREDIT"Almaty BIN 031240004969 BIC KCJBKZKX The bank transfer must make a note on a conference on the modernization of the system of pedagogical education of Kazakhstan and include your name and initials. The operation code for payments from the CIS countries and abroad is 861