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Kozybay Anarbek Kozybayuly
Kozybay Anarbek Kozybayuly
AUTOBIOGRAPHY I was born in the Akshoky village, Urzhar District, East Kazakhstan Region. In 1971, I graduated from B. Mailin Secondary School. In 1979, I graduated with honors from the Kazakh State Agricultural Institute, earning a degree in mechanical engineering. I worked as an assistant, associate professor, and head of the department at the Kazakh State Agricultural Institute, and later at the Kazakh National Agrarian University (1969-2019). I pursued postgraduate studies at the Engineering Institute in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. I defended my dissertation on the topic "Establishing the Acceptable Level of Vibration Diagnostic Signals Based on the Quality of Assembly of "Don" Family Rotors" and became a Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2005, I defended my doctoral dissertation at Moscow State Pedagogical University on the topic "Formation of Professionalism in Engineering Educators within the University Training System."
SUBJECTS TAUGHT 1. Higher Education Pedagogy (in Kazakh and Russian) 2. Pedagogical Practice
SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Master of Vocational Training: Textbook / A.K. Kozybay, G. Muratkyn - Almaty, "Almanakh," 2023. - 187 pages. 2. Foundations of Information and Communication Technologies in Physics Education, in Prospects for the Development of Modern Science, Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference, March 9-11, 2022, Daegu/Korea, pp. 207-213. 3. Important Issues in the Content of the Physics Course for Preparing Future Technical Specialists in Higher Educational Institutions, Bulletin of Kyzylorda University after Korkyt Ata, No. 3 (58), 2021, pp. 194-200. 4. Implementation of a Transdisciplinary Approach to Enhance the Quality of Entrepreneurial Education for Students in Technical Specialties, Talent Development & Excellence, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2020, pp. 2495-2513. 5. Factors and Trends in the Development of Innovative Processes in Higher Educational Institutions in the Context of International Economic Integration, Science for Education Today, No. 3, Vol. 9, 2019, pp. 200-221. 6. Use of Electronic Content in the Training of Future Physics Teachers, Abylai Khan KazNPU, Series Bulletin "Physical and Mathematical Sciences," No. 2(70), 2020, Almaty.
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