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Erlanova Madina
Erlanova Madina
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Erlanova Madina, was born on September 21, 1996 in Semey. In 2012, she entered the Mukan Tulebayev Music College, majoring in Singing. In 2016, she participated in the Republican Olympiad in Almaty and won the 2nd prize. Graduated from ucilishche in 2016. In 2016, she entered the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory with a degree in Vocal Art. She graduated from the Conservatory in 2020, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 2020, she entered the Master`s degree program at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, majoring in Vocal Art. In 2022, after completing her master`s degree, she received a master`s degree in Arts.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Vocal ensemble Vocals Pop vocals Voice production Vocals and singing creativity
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. "On the vocal works of Kapan Musin" // XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA". - Nur-Sultan, 2021. - pp.62-65. 2. "Romance in Opera" XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2022: CENTRAL ASIA". - Nur-Sultan, 2022. - pp.32-35. 3. "A.Abdinurov`s vocal cycle on Abai`s poems" // VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Europe and the Turkic world: science, technology and technology". - Mersin, 2022. - pp.261-267. 4. "To the 100th anniversary of Kulyash Bayseitova" // VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Europe and the Turkic world: science, technology and technology". - Mersin, 2022. - pp.267-271.
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