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Nagmetov Alibi Kayratovich
Nagmetov Alibi Kayratovich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY I, Nagmetov Alibi Kayratovchi, was born on August 9, 2001 in the city of Aktobe. In 2006, I went to the 1st grade of secondary school No. 22 and graduated in 2017. 2017-2021 I received my bachelor`s degree from the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov. 2021-2023 I received my master`s degree from Abai KazNPU. Since September 2023, I have been working as a teacher at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Knowledge at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of KazUPU named after Abay.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Web Programming Basics Programming Database systems Fundamentals of functional and object-oriented programming Digital technologies in education Object-oriented programming IC Interfaces Information Communication Technologies Computer networks and information security Digital technologies and databases
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Educational technologies ISTE: Republican scientific and methodological journal "Bilim Times" No. 3 (61) 2022, 2022. -P.5. Nagmetov A.K., Nurbekova Zh.K. 2.Qualification standards of the International Society of Educational Technologies (ISTE) for innovative designers: "Current problems of modern science - 2023" International student scientific and practical conference. - Turkestan, 2023. (In print) Nagmetov A.K., Nurbekova Zh.K.
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