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Turganbekov Dinmukhammad Maratuly
Turganbekov Dinmukhammad Maratuly
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY I, Turganbekov Dinmukhammad Maratovich, was born on June 09, 1996 in Almaty. In 2012, she entered the Almaty College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after O. Tansykbayev, specialty 0412000 - painting, sculpture and graphics, graduated with honors in 2016. During these years, at the XVIII International Festival of Creative Youth "Shabyt", held in 2015, I was awarded for achievements in the category of Fine Art (sculpture), as well as Children are painting the world. In 2015-2016, Asia was awarded a UNESCO diploma and my work "Arman" was included in this collection. In 2016, he entered KazNPU named afterAbaya majored in 5В042100-design, graduated with honors in 2019. 7М02120 of this university in 2019-Design. She entered the Master`s degree in Graphic Design, in 2021 7М02120-Design. He received a Master of Arts degree in Graphic Design and an educational program. Participating in the scientific project "STARTUP" in 2018, published among students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists under the age of 35, I won 500,000 tenge on the topic "virtual reality computer technology in graphic design", and in 2019 received funding on the topic "Modernization of the alphabet style of the Kazakh language based on Latin graphics in the field of design, he developed a project for applied research in the amount of 800.0 thousand tenge demand. In addition, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, I won the 1st place in the competition "The Best University logo" among students. In 2016-2017, he was awarded the first place Diploma at the 71st and 72nd scientific research conference of students dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, at the end of the 2018-2019 academic year, I became the owner of a Presidential scholarship.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Layout design, computer graphics, professional computer programs, Design basics, Photography
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Theoretical justification of the mathematical article speaker № 4(61) series "Mathematical justification: art - theory - methodology". - Almaty: Publishing house "Ulagat", 2019, Bulletin No. 4(61). 231 p http: // rmebrk. kz / journals/5330 / 10413.pdf 2. Theoretical in the book preparation of the artistic style of Latin graphics. VII International Scientific Conference "Modern Science and Practice", March 26-27, 2021, Boston, pp. 15-18. негіздеріhttps://eu-conf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/VII-Conference-Modern-science-and-practice.pdf 3. Artistic style of Latin graphics international scientific and practical online conference on the topic "Ethno-cultural education of modern youth- the basis for compliance with the national code", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Almukhambetov B. A., 2021, May 19, - pp. 15-20 https://kaznpu.kz/docs/docs/2021_korkem.pdf 4.Participation in the preparation of materials of the 1st International Scientific Conference "Fundamentals and Trends in Modern Education" (January 12-13, 2022). Berlin, Germany, 2022 -p. 64-6 https://ojs.publisher.agency/index.php/FTML/issue/view/13/37
Awards 1. Certificate of Honor. For active participation in the educational and social life of the University, the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports was awarded in honor of the holiday "95 years". (03.10.2023). 2. The letter of thanks "The best adviser" was awarded for participation in the development and strengthening of the educational process of the university. (07.06.2023).
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