06.09.2023 Abai KazNPU will host an international pedagogical forum
Areas of work of the forum: The role of the social pedagogue and theoretical, practical bases of social pedagogical activity; Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of children and adolescents; Main trends in the development of modern social pedagogical education; Problems of adaptation, maladaptation, readaptation of children and adolescents; Problems of social pedagogical prevention (deviant behaviour, aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, suicide).
The official languages of the forum are Kazakh, Russian and English. The deadline for submitting reports and registration forms is 1 October this year.
At the end of the event an electronic collection of materials of the forum will be formed and sent to the e-mail addresses of the participants. Participation in the Pedagogical Forum is free of charge.
Address of the Organising Committee: 31, Tolebi St., Almaty, 050010, Abai KazNPU, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy, office 30.
Phone: 87771555568 - Alimbekova Anar Aymoldanovna, 87054674187 - Bulshekbayeva Asem Isaevna. e-maіl: pedforum.kaznpu.@mail.ru