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Orazbayeva Nazym Berdakhkyzy
Orazbayeva Nazym Berdakhkyzy
Orazbaeva Nazym Berdakhkyzy - Master of pedagogical Sciences, was born on 28.04.1996. In 2017, she graduated from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University with a degree in Biology. In 2020, she completed a master`s degree in Biology.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Invertebrate zoology Vertebrate zoology Physiology of development of schoolchildren Organization of scientific activities Microbiology with the basics of virology
LIST OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS 1. Pedagogical aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren // Vestnik, KazNPU im. Abaya. Series: "Natural and geographical sciences" No. 1 (59) Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2018 p. 258-262. 2. Health-saving technologies as one of the important factors of success in teaching schoolchildren // Vestnik, KazNPU im. Abaya. Series: "Natural and geographical sciences" No. 1 (59) Almaty, 2018. - pp. 141-145. 3. Creating an environment in the school team that preserves and develops health Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Methodology of Natural Science and Technical Sciences: Modern context. Belgorod, March 29, 2019-p. 25-29 4. Extracurricular activities as the most important form of biological education Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Ecology and conservation of biodiversity. Almaty, KazNPU named after. Abaya, October 23-24, 2019. - pp. 332-334.
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