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Bilal Murat Zhanaidaruly
Bilal Murat Zhanaidaruly
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Born on March 23, 1959 in Akmola region. 1976: Graduated from secondary school at the Kultura state farm, Tselinograd region. 1976-1977 studied at the Alma-Ata Construction College. 1977-1979 service in the ranks of the SA 1979-1981 continuation and completion of the Alma-Ata Construction College dept. Architecture 1981-1982 Work at the Design Institute "Tselingorselproekt", Tselinograd, position of technical architect. 1982-1987 Study at KazPI named after Abay, Faculty of Art and Graphics. 1987-1989 worked at secondary school No. 79, Alma-Ata, teacher of drawing and drawing. 1989-2001 work at KazPI named after Abai, teacher 2001-2018 worked at Almatygoroformlenie JSC Vice President, Chief Artist. 2019 - work at KazNPU named after Abai, senior teacher of the Department of Design Member of the Union of Designers since 2001, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2002. Permanent participant in International, Republican, city art exhibitions.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Photography Illustration Professional computer programs Scientific research project.
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050010, Қазақстан Республикасы
Кеңсе: 291-48-74, 291-37-23 (факс)
Қабылдау комиссиясы: 8(727)291-57-68
Call-орталығы: 8 (727) 221 85 14
Психологиялық қызмет секторы: 8 700 976 89 97
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