Meeting of the Council of Rectors of Almaty region
On September 21, at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University, a meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Almaty region was held.
The main directions of activity of the Council of Rectors of Almaty Universities for the 2018/2019 academic year were discussed at the meeting, in particular, stimulation of student creativity and sport, holding seminars on management in universities, ways of developing the scientific potential of the university, etc.
Chairman of the Council of Rectors Takir Balykbayev noted the importance of such meetings: having sufficient scientific and educational potential and authority, the association can serve as a platform for discussing important issues and shaping the system policy for the development of higher education in the country and assisting in the integration of education, science and culture of the Almaty region.
Speaking about the development of student sport, Takir Balykbayev noted that 25 sports events were held annually at the university, in which over 6 thousand students took part: the All-Union Sports Day «Health Day», the general university sports festival «Tan sululiguy - ustazda», a sports festival in the highland «Medeu» skating rink «KazNPU Stars», a friendly football match «Zhuldyzdy football» of the university`s national teams and Kazakhstan variety stars, etc. To further popularize the sport in the student environment, it is necessary to arrange Close cooperation between the Council of Rectors is ready and the Federation of Student Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The creative activity of students is supported and stimulated by the National Festival of Creative Youth «Abai alemi», held annually at Abai KazNPU, which opened the way to the stage for many talented and gifted young people. For the development of artistic and creative abilities, the activation of cognitive activity and the spiritual and moral potential of student youth, universities are creating centers for student creativity, and this area of work with student youth should receive all possible support.
The university pays special attention to the improvement of management. So, on June 9 in 2018 together with the National Office of the Erasmus + program in Kazakhstan was held an International seminar «Transformation of the University into a world-class university» for rectors of universities of Almaty and Almaty region with the participation of an expert in the field of international higher education, the author of books «Creation of world-class universities» (2009) and «Higher Education and Sustainable Development Goals» (2017) Professor Jamil Salmi. Takir Balykbayev urged the heads of universities to conduct similar management seminars on the basis of different universities on a regular basis.
Abai KazNPU held a Kazakh-Russian seminar on research in the field of education in July 4-5 July, 2018, in which scientists of the Institute of Education of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics» (NRU HSE, Moscow), under the leadership of the world-famous scientist Professor Issak Frumin. Issues such as a system for assessing the quality of education, evaluation practices, involving various players in evaluation, transforming schools in post-Soviet countries, disparities in higher education and offering joint scientific projects were discussed and discussed. Continuing this work, the Council of Rectors also plans to hold in the 2018/2019 school year seminars on the development of the scientific potential of universities.
At the meeting the President of the Federation of Student Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Zakaryyanov delivered a speech. He reported on the relay of the fire of the Winter Universiade-2019, which started on September 20, 2018 - the International Student Sport Day, as well as the participation of universities in the large-scale student sports events in 2018/2019.
Vice-rector on economic and production issues of Al-Farabi KazNU Khakimzhan Malayev touched upon a number of financial and economic issues, in particular, the problem of calculating vacations for university employees.
At the end of the meeting, Takir Balykbayev spoke about the preparation of events in honor of the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU and invited the rectors and representatives of the universities of Almaty and the region to participate in them.
The meeting ended with the presentation of letters of thanks on behalf of the Association of the Council of Rectors of Almaty Universities and the National Futsal League to the heads of universities for supporting and organizing the Futsal World Championship among the youth and students.

Department of Public Relations