05.07.2018 Kazakhstan-Russia Seminar on Research in Education
On 2 - 3 July, 2018, a joint Kazakh-Russian seminar was held at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University to familiarize himself with the modern pedagogical research and scientific projects of the Institute of Education of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".
The seminar was held in two formats: in the format of plenary sessions, in which reports were presented to the listeners, and as part of the work in one of 3 sections, where presentations were shown and discussion of projects was conducted.
Rector Takir Balykbaev, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Scientific Leader of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, Professor Isak Frumin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Scientific Director of the Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, Professor Viktor Bolotov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, Professor of Design and Training Laboratory "Development of Universities" Sergey Malinovsky, Director of the Center for Development of Leadership in Education of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics HSE Pavel Sergomanov director of the Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, Elena Kardanova, as well as vice-rectors, teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
At the opening of the seminar the rector of the University Takir Balykbayev briefly told about the achievements and high potential of Abai KazNPU, which is in the field of pedagogy the leading scientific and educational center in Kazakhstan. The rector noted the relevance of the theme of the Kazakh-Russian seminar: "Our goal is to become a research university ... For the development of science this year we announced a competition for our young scientists and have already selected 25 projects. For three years the university allocates about 100 million tenge, so that young scientists can conduct their research. Next year, we will seriously deal with the development strategy of the university as a research university ... The main task of our seminar is to discuss two issues: first, the development strategy of the research university, and secondly, those studies that scientists of the Institute of Education of the Higher School economy. In the future, we can cooperate with the Higher School of Economics in terms of scientific research, exchange of experience, two-degree programs, etc. "
In turn, the guests of the seminar were: Isak Frumin ("Strategy of the development of education in Russia and its scientific provision"), Victor Bolotov ("System for assessing the quality of education, assessment practices, involvement of various players in evaluation"), Pavel Sergomanov ("Digital Transformation of the Modern School"), Sergei Malinovsky ("Inequality in Higher Education") and Elena Kardanova ("Modern Approaches to Evaluation in Education: New Instruments and Technologies").
During the work presentations were shown and projects were discussed by sections. At the end of the second day of the seminar, the floor was given to the moderators for summing up the results. They talked about the results of work in groups and assessed the feasibility and prospects of relevant research projects.
At the end of the joint two-day work, the chief moderator of the seminar Isak Frumin thanked the rector Takir Balykbayev for the opportunity to exchange experience in the field of pedagogical research, and the seminar participants for their active participation.
Rector Takir Balykbayev thanked the guests, expressed on behalf of the KazNPU collective the readiness to cooperate fully with the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics, and wished success in further work.
Department of Public Relations |