11.05.2022 The Board of Directors of NJSC «Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University», 13 Dostyk Ave., Almaty, 050010, announces a competition for the vacant positions of Head and Specialist of Anti-Corruption Compliance Service of NJSC «Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University».
Documents of candidates are accepted within 10 calendar days from the date of publication of this announcement about competition holding.
Requirements to competitors: A person with higher education, at least 7 years of work experience on executive positions in law enforcement and/or state bodies shall be appointed to the position of Head of Compliance Service.
The Head of the Compliance Service should know: the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education», «On Science», «On Licensing», «On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan», «On Countering Corruption», «On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan», the State Program of Education 2020-2025, normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating the educational activity, the procedure of collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation, the code of conduct, the procedure of service of the Compliance Service.
A person with higher education, with not less than 3 years of work experience in educational organizations is appointed to the position of compliance officer.
A specialist of compliance-service should know the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Countering Corruption», «On Education», «On Permits and Notifications», «On Access to Information», «On the order of consideration of requests of individuals and legal entities», «On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan», normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating educational activity; labor legislation, rules and standards of labor protection, policy and objectives of the Company in the field of quality; labor and civil legislation, si
A person applying for participation in the competition shall submit the following documents to the Corporate Secretary 1) application; 2) copy of the document proving identity of a contestant; 3) CV; 4) copies of documents on education and appendices to them; 5) Copy of a document confirming employment, certified by the personnel department at the place of (current or last) employment 6) certificate of criminal record; 7) a presentation of his/her vision of how the Compliance Officer will operate in the future (only for the Manager and the Compliance Officer).
The date and venue of the competition will be communicated additionally. The above documents must be submitted to the Corporate Secretary in due time at the address: 13 Dostyk 13, office 304, Almaty, phone: 8-747-988-0925; email: a.zhumadilov@abaiuniversity.edu.kz