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AltSU will host a conference on the relations between the Slavic and Turkic peoples of the USSR


In the framework of the project «The Turkic world of the Great Altai: history and modern unity and diversity» with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on May 26-27, 2022 Altai State University (Russia) will host an international conference «Socio-economic and cultural aspects of interaction between the Slavic and Turkic peoples of the USSR: results and prospects».


The co-organizers of the event are the Association of Asian Universities, the Russian Historical Society, the Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn. The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the USSR.


Applications for the conference are accepted until May 10, 2022, on the website of the Altai State University «Big Altai»


Information letter