06.06.2018 Republican Contest of research works and social projects «Baldauren daryny - 2018» among pupils of 2-8 grades
Republican Contest of research works and social projects «Baldauren daryny - 2018» among pupils of 2-8 grades was held on June 4-5, 2018 within the framework of the Program «Ruhani Zhangyru» in the Republican Training and Health Center «Baldauren-Kapshagay».
The main purpose of this competition is to develop the intellectual and creative potential of schoolchildren, to stimulate scientific and research and learning activities of 2-8 grades pupils.
The purpose and objectives of the Contest are to identify talented and gifted pupils, to create conditions for the further development of their potential abilities; popularization, propagation of the best research work of learners, acquisition of students` learning skills and experience in public speaking; realization of «Ruhani Zhangyru» Program objectives, patriotic education of pupils through drawing public attention to the achievements of talented and gifted learners.
The competition was attended by pupils of 2-8 grades individually and in the teams of Kapshagay city, Almaty region, Astana, Akmola region, Taraz, Zhambyl region, Kokshetau, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
The participants prepared visual aids, schemes, drawings and mock-ups to defend their research and social projects.
In the composition of the jury were joined teachers of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Practical Languages Department: Zaure Umirzakova, candidate of philological sciences, associated professor, Zeynep Osmanovа, candidate of philological sciences, associated professor, Gulmira Amangeldiyeva and Saule Sholtay, magisters and teachers who evaluated the work of the participants, identified winners and prize-winners in two areas: «Consonance of Languages" and «Fiction».
The teachers from other Institutes of Abai KazNPU were also included in the jury.
Winners and prize-winners were awarded by diplomas of I, II, III degrees of the Republican Training and Health Center «Baldauren-Kapshagay», and jury members and scientific advisors by letters of thanks.
Birlik Kadyrbekovich Barzhaksymov, director of the Republican Training and Health Center «Baldauren-Kapshagay» thanked the jury members, as well as Takir Ospanovich Balykbayev, Rector of our University, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor for the support in this Contest.
Practical Languages Department |