04.04.2018 Book exhibition «Rukhani zhanguiru: Philologuia guilimi men adistemesi»
On 2 April 2018, book exhibition «Rukhani zhanguiru: Philologuia guilimi men adistemesi» took place on the first day of the «Decade of Science-2018», dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
The purpose of the exhibition is the presentation of scientific and scientific-methodical works of scientists and teachers of the Institute of Philology and Mulilingual Education with a view to broad propaganda of philological science and methods of teaching languages in conditions of spiritual revival.
Adviser to the rector of the university Kanybek Kaldybaev, vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, director of the department of science Sayabek Sahiev, head of the department of research, research and innovation Gulzada Baimbetova, director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education Baltabay Abdigazuli, heads of chairs and professors` and teachers` staff of the Institute.
More than 100 books written by teachers of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education were presented at the book exhibition «Rukhani zhanguiru: Philologuia guilimi men adistemesi». Among them there are scientific monographs written in different languages, textbooks and manuals for higher and secondary education, teaching aids.
The exhibition attracted great interest from students, faculty and staff of the University and was highly appreciated.
Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education