Біз туралы | ![]() Khamrayev Sheripidin Itahunovich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY He graduated from Abai Almaty State University with a degree in Physics and Informatics (1993), postgraduate school at Almaty State University named after Abay with a degree in 010414-Thermophysics and Theoretical Heat Engineering (1997). Candidate of Technical Sciences (1999), Associate Professor (2004), Professor of Abai KazNPU (2012). Engineer, teacher, graduate student, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the Department of Physics of Abai KazNPU (since 1993). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for Academic Affairs (2002-2012), Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics for Academic Affairs (2012-2022), Head of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness of Abai KazNPU (from 09.2022 to the present).
DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s degree: General physics course; Molecular physics and thermodynamics.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY He is engaged in the study of thermophysical, thermomechanical and physicochemical processes in polyphase systems, as well as problems of quality assurance in higher education. Published more than 70 scientific, scientific and methodological works published in the country and abroad. Has 5 patents for invention.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Prepared and co-published 2 textbooks in the Kazakh language: "Electromegnittic terbelister men tolkyndar" (volume 20 pp., circulation 1200 copies). Optics" (volume 18.25 pp, circulation 1200 copies), recommended by the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the field of Education for students of higher educational institutions. He is a developer of educational programs for training physics teachers. Expert of the National Center for the Development of Higher Education and the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR).
AWARDS 2009 - diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2013 - badge "Ayryksha enbegi ushin"; 2018 - badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2018 - badge "90 years of Abai KazNPU" 2022 - badge "Kurmetti kyzmetker"; 2023 - badge "95 years of Abai KazNPU".
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