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Information for state grant holders


According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK № 619 dated December 30, 2021, 253 applicants became holders of state grants for 12 educational programs of Abai KazNPU. Grant holders should contact the responsible persons listed below and apply before January 15, 2022.


Dear applicants, we kindly ask you to contact us with your questions by telephone:

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
1.Head of department of organization and support of educational activity
Akzholova - 8-701-378-6612
2 Head of Marketing Department
Bauyrzhan Orazaevich Zhankushkov - 8-778-353-75-83

Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education

1. Deputy Director for educational work
Gulmira Yerbatyrkyzy Esirkepova - 8-707-763-1080
Institute of mathematics, physics and informatics
1 Deputy Director for educational work
Sheripidin Itakhunovich Hamrayev - 8-777-771-7778
2 Deputy Director for educational work
Jasulan Erlanuly Mukhashev - 8-775-400-00-03
Institute of History and Law
1 Deputy Director for educational work
Dariya Bolatovna Asymova - 8-778-222-2084,
2. deputy director for educational work
Nurbolat Bekbolatulli Manapbayev - 8-707-133-1980
Institute of Natural History and Geography
1 Head of department on work with students
Lyazat Nurmakhankyzy Demeuova - 8-701-851-0429
2 Head of Marketing Department
Albina Nurakhmyatovna Beikitova - 8-702-593-1039
3. Marketing department specialist
Zhanar Muratovna - 8-701- 141-3535.


Additional information will be available at