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Sartayeva Nazgul Tashkenbaevna
Sartayeva Nazgul Tashkenbaevna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I was born and graduated from school in the Kyzylorda region. I acquired bachelor`s and master`s degrees from Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, where then I had my first work experience of 3 years. In 2015 I applied for a Phd degree at the KazNPU named after Abay and after successful completion I started to work there. Since then I have been combining scientific and teaching activities, and have more than 50 published works.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s Degree ICT Teaching Methodology ICT Teaching Methodology Workshop Informatics Workshop Specialization Workshop 3: ICT
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Member of the republican project No. АР05130498 "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn kuptildi orta zhadayynda bolashak bastauysh bilim beru pedagogin kusibi dayarlaudy zhagyrtu"; Published 4 articles in journals included in the Scopus database (Q2, Q3); The Hirsch index is 2.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Conducted research on the topic "Formation of motivation for research activities of younger students on the basis of information technology"; She worked in co-authorship on the creation of educational and methodological complexes for preschool organizations and primary classes; She worked in co-authorship on the creation of teaching aids for students in undergraduate and graduate programs.
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