15.10.2021 Abai KazNPU will hold an event «Erasmus+: Opportunities», dedicated to Erasmus Day
The Department of International Cooperation at Abai KazNPU invites students, teaching staff and other university staff to participate and listen to speakers at the Erasmus+: Opportunities event to coincide with Erasmus Day. It will be attended by coordinators of this international programme at partner universities as well as Erasmus+ alumni and students who are studying Erasmus in foreign countries. The event will be useful for students and teachers who would like to have the opportunity to travel to leading universities around the world to study.
Please actively participate and send out this information!
Date of the event: 15 October 2021 (14.00-17.00 Nur-Sultan time, Kazakhstan) Link to join the event: https://zoom.us/j/93479337787?pwd=VXlkVUNUR3dLSjNlVVoyOW1Wbm9tUT09
Conference ID: 934 7933 7787
Access code: 954381