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Kalimoldayeva Ardak Kenesbayevna
Kalimoldayeva Ardak Kenesbayevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, teacher of the Educational Program "Pedagogy and Psychology" of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, has been engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities at Abai university since 2004.
Аcademic degree
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s degree: Psychology of critical thinking, Psychology of research behavior and research abilities, Scientific and theoretical foundations of psychological service, Modern approaches to media education. Master`s Degree: Management Psychology, International Comparative Studies in Educational Quality, Educational Design in Higher Education. Doctorate: Philosophy and methodology of education, Assessment of the quality of scientific and pedagogical research,
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Professional educational training of french linguistics teachers in Kazakhstan and France. XLinguae. Volume 13. Issue 1. pp.86-94. 2020. DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.01.07. 2. Public opinion on system inclusive education Article. Scopus. Quartile - Q3. Turkey, №4.20137. 3.О трансформации деятельности педагога-психолога в условиях онлайн обучения. ТҮРКІ ӘЛЕМІНІҢ КӨРНЕКТІОЙШЫЛДАРЫНЫҢ МЕРЕЙТОЙЫНА АРНАЛҒАН «ÁL-FARABI-BALASAǴUN-ABAI: ǴASYRLAR ÚNDESTІGІ»ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ ФОРУМ, Алматы, 2020., стр. 245-260 4. Актуальные причины неуспеваемости учащихся средних классов в условиях обновленной программы. Международная научно-практической конференции «АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ПСИХОЛОГОПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ» Алматы, 2020, стр. 152-157 5.Заманауи жастарды отбасы құндылықтары негізінде тәрбиелеудің мәні. Innovative processes menegement in the education and science modernization. Materials of the 3 international scientific-practical conference. April 7-9, 2021, 204-208 р., Hamburg, Germany
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY 1. The Initial Condition of legal consciousness of Pedagogical college students. No8. 2018. JARLE. Volume Issue 8, (38). Winter. https: doi.org. 10. 1405, jarle. V 9. 8 (38).17, р. 236-240
2. Development and Implementation of the Project «A Gifted Student». Desenvolvimento e implementação do projeto «Um estudante superdotado». Received: 12/10/2017 • Approved: 15/11/2017Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798 1015 3. The modern teens socio-cultural development diagnostics and interaction between family and school. Vol 34, 2018, Edicion Especial Nro.16, 2, 369-378 р. 5. Innovative approaches of understanding health saving technologes in conditions of updated educational content. AD ALTA journal of interdisciplinary research, volume 09, ISSUE 01, SPECIAL issue 05, 2019, number 2, р. 289-292, ISSN 2454-6733 online. 6. The health-saving culture formation among the students in the higher pedagogic education. Volume 34, Issue 87-2, 2018, Pages 236-250
AWARDS Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12/15/2017
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