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Seitkaziyev Ruslan Umirgazievich
Seitkaziyev Ruslan Umirgazievich
SHORT BIOGRAPHY Seytkaziev Ruslan Umirgazievich May 27, 1985, Zhetysu region. Panfilovsky district. I was born in the village of Almaly. In 2003 he graduated from Almaly secondary school. In 2003 he entered the history department of the Kazakh National University named after Abay, from which he graduated in 2008. In 2012 - 2014 he received a master`s degree in "Jurisprudence" at the Kazakh University ATiSO. In 2017-2020, he graduated with a doctoral degree from Abai KazNPU with a degree in History 6D01600. Since 2017, I have been working as a teacher at this higher educational institution.
TEACHING SUBJECTS Methods of teaching history. Methods of teaching updated education. Modern technologies of intelligence. History of the world in the Middle Ages, Historical subdiscipline. History of modern countries of Asia and Africa.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Publications in international journals and Scopus/Web of Science (ThomsonReuters). 1. The role of project activities in the formation of future specialists. Universid addel Zulia /Venezuela/ opción/revista opcion@gmail.com /ISSN: 1012-1587/ ISSNe 2477-9385. Option, Año 34, no. 85 (2018): 394-422. 2. Current trends in the development of school history education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology/Egyptology Palaearchus 17(3), 781-789. ISSN 1567-214x. Materials of domestic magazines and the list of KKSON. 1. "The use of modern educational technologies in historical education." Messenger. KazNPU named after Abay. Series "History and political and social sciences". No. 4(63), 2019. 2. "Consideration of teaching historical sequence in history education, taking into account the phenomenon of time and the use of the connection between time and history together with educational resources" Bulletin, series "History and political and social sciences", No. 2(65), 2020. 3. "TEACHING HISTORY IN SCHOOLS OF KAZAKHSTAN and problems of its development in 1985-2010." Kazakh history. Scientific and methodological journal. December No. 10(177). 75 pages. 4. "The use of modern technologies in history education." "Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the 21st century" 2022 December 5. 5. "IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF TEACHING HISTORY BASED ON THE UPDATED PROGRAM." Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Karaganda: Publishing House "Kent-LTD", Publishing House "Doszhan" LLP, 2020. - 430 rub. 6. "Problems and trends in the development of students metacognitive abilities in the process of teaching the history of Kazakhstan." International scientific and practical conference "International relations in Central Asia: history and development in the modern period." 2017 Publishing house "Ulagat". 7. The main role of history and social subjects. "Current issues in the development of methods of teaching history and humanities at the present stage of development of Kazakhstani education": materials of the republican scientific and practical conference within the framework of the decade of science 2018, April 10, 2018, Ulagat Publishing House.
Collection of educational and methodological tools 1. Test assignments on the history of Kazakhstan according to the new format Educational and methodological manual. Test manual for secondary school students in grades 6-9, 10-11. Publishing house "Dair", Almaty, 2017. 190 rub. 2. World history and people, society, law in a new format. Test set of subjects Educational and methodological manual Test educational manual for students of 9, 10, 11 grades of secondary school. Almaty 2017 Publishing house "Dair". 240 pp. 3. "Educational and methodological manual on the history of Kazakhstan" Educational and methodological manual. Textbook test for secondary school students in grades 6-9, 10-11. Almaty, 2017 Dair Publishing House. 180 pp. 4. "Using the heritage of Alash figures in the formation of metacognitive skills." Educational and methodological manual. Manual for secondary school teachers, 180 pp. 5. METHODOLOGICAL AND REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN. Educational and methodological manual, Almaty, Department of Education, Scientific and Methodological Laboratory. Publishing house Dair. 2015 290 pages.
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