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Tulbassova Botakoz Karabekovna



I, Tulbassova Botakoz Karabekovna, born on January 17, 1969, was born in the city of Kyzyl-Orda. In 1985 she graduated from school No. 25 in Shymkent. Marital status: Tulbassov Abubakr-son.

1990-1992 - teacher of mathematics and computer science at school No. 24 (Shymkent);

1992-1994 - senior lecturer of the department "Natural disciplines and mathematics" of the Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel (Shymkent);

1994-1997 - full-time postgraduate student of the MKTU named after Kh.A.Yassavi (Shymkent);

1997-1999 - Head of the laboratory of innovative technologies at the Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers (Shymkent);

1999-2000 - Academic Secretary of the Institute of Vocational Education of the KAO named after Y. Altynsarin (Almaty);

2000-2001 - Head of the Informatics Cabinet of the Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Managerial and Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel (RIPKSO RK), (Almaty);

2001-2004 - Deputy Director of the Institute of Vocational Education of the KAO named after Y. Altynsarin (Almaty);

2004-2010 - Deputy Dean of the General Professional Faculty, as well as Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev (Almaty);

2010 - to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education, KazNPU named after Abay (Almaty).



Educational institution


Expiry date

Shymkent Pedagogical Institute named after M. Auezov, Shymkent

Teacher of Mathematics, Computer Science and BT

1990 year

Shymkent branch of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yassavi, Postgraduate studies


1997 year



Academic degree

Science field

Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.01- Theory and history of pedagogy

No. 0007689 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated September 29, 2000



Academic title

Date of assignment

Associate Professor

No. № 0005675  by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

dated January 23, 2004



Fundamentals of information security;

Programming languages ​​and technologies;


System Programming;

Digital technologies in education.



Research topics: Problems of training specialists and the use of digital technologies in education.

Number of publications: More than 60 scientific and methodological works have been published, including 1 monograph, articles in international scientific databases Scopus - 3, h-Hirsch index - 1.

(5 latest publications):

1. Akhmetova, Z.A., Issabayeva, D.B., Rakhimzhanova, L.C., Tulbassova, B.К., Developing a Culture of Academic Integrity in Examinations in a Distance Learning Environment. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2022, 12(11), pp. 1229-1236, Scopus, Процентиль 43.

2. Халықова К.З., Идрисов С.Н., Тульбасова Б.Қ. Педагог мамандардың цифрлық құзыреттілігін дамыту мәселелері// Абай ат.ҚазҰПУ хабаршысы. Педагогикалық ғылымдар сериясы №3(75), 2022. 149-156 бб.

3. Тульбасова Б.Қ., Салыкова А.Н. Цифрлық білім ресурстарын орта мектепте қолдану ерекшеліктері. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршы, «Физика-математика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2, 2020, 227-231 б.

4. Тульбасова Б.Қ. Функция графигін тұрғызуда MathCad компьютерлік жүйесін қолдану әдістемесі. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршы, «Физика-математика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1, (65), 2019, 321-326 б.

5. Тульбасова Б.К. Вопросы внедрения цифровых образовательных ресурсов при подготовке будущих учителей. Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, Серия «Физико-математические науки», №2, (62), 2018, стр. 187-190



Awarded with the jubilee medal "Abai atyndagy kazak ulttyk pedagogical university 90 zhyl" for her contribution to the development of the university. Certificate No. 868 dated 12/13/2018



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