27.11.2024 A ceremonial event in honor of the 70th anniversary of Talgat Uvaliev On November 22, 2024, a ceremonial event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Geography and Ecology of the Faculty of Natural Science and Geography Talgat Uvaliev was held at Abai KazNPU.
The round table entitled "Teacher-Mentor, Scientist-Methodologist, Veteran-Activist" became a significant event in the life of the university. The participants of the event were colleagues, students, as well as invited guests who expressed their respect and gratitude to the hero of the day for his many years of work and contribution to science and education. The program began with a welcoming speech by the dean of the faculty Kaimuldinova Kulyash and the host Sabituly Aibyn. The ceremonial part included congratulations, the presentation of a medal and gifts. The educational part included the autobiography of the hero of the day in the form of a slide show prepared by the department, and a poetic dedication from student Karlybai Elmira. The musical program included performances by students and creative groups of the university.
The event ended with words of gratitude from Talgat Uvaliyev, who thanked his colleagues and students for their attention and support.