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Atamkulov Bolat Akmoldaevich
Atamkulov Bolat Akmoldaevich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Bulat Akmoldaevich Atamkulov was born in 1960 on July 5 .Novotroitskoe in the Dzhambul region. In 1982-1987 he studied at KazPI named after Abai, majoring in Fine Arts and Drawing. In 1988-2013, he worked as the head of the department and dean at ASU named after Abai and KazNAI named after T.Zhurgenev. From 2014-2015 academic year and 2019-2022 academic year, he taught at Chaozhou Hanshan Pedagogical University in China. Member of the Union of Artists of the KZ, Member of the Union of Designers of the KZ, Member of the Union of Artisans of Kazakhstan, Member of the Kor. Academy of Design (Kyrgyzstan), holder of the UNESCO "Quality Mark" certificate.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Jewelry, ceramics and pottery
AWARDS 1. «90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU», for the contribution and development of the university on 13.12.2018 2. «Institute of Art and Culture - 50 years» for the contribution and development of the institute 11.10.2019
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050010, Қазақстан Республикасы
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Call-орталығы: 8 (727) 221 85 14
Психологиялық қызмет секторы: 8 700 976 89 97
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